Bird Watching: Spring Migrants & Year-Round Residents


Bird Watching: Spring Migrants & Year-Round Residents


Are you new to bird watching and want to improve your skills? This class covers bird identification basics, binoculars, field guides, on-line apps and more, with a focus on spring migrants and year-round residents. Whether your goal is to become a better backyard birder or to frequent local, state or national parks, our local bird expert will help you identify the birds at Pioneer Farms.  Taught by noted birder Chip Walker, the class focuses on fall migrants and year-round residents. The first hour will be held in a classroom, focusing on proper gear, bird guides, habitat, migration, songs and anatomy. Approximately three hours will be spent walking the trails and pathways, stopping at every opportunity to view birds.  Binoculars are recommended (borrow a pair from a friend if you don’t have a pair). Class size is limited to 10 people due to COVID-19 restrictions. Masks and social distancing required.

ONSITE: Lecture Class. Taught on fourth Saturday of April, starting at Sprinkle Corner. 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. (4 hours), $50 per student. Wear clothing and shoes for an outdoor hike, and bring sun block Rain date is the same time on the following day.

Enroll in all four bird watching classes at one time, and save $25. See Class Bundle No. 5.

Important notice: No refunds are allowed once the enrollment fee is received. Students who cannot attend a class for whatever reason may reschedule once, on a space-available basis.

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