Longtime Central Texas resident Belle Harper submitted along this month’s recipe from her great grandmother, which she says was used by her forefathers when they first arrived in Austin before the Civil War. “It makes a great breakfast with eggs and bacon on a cold winter day, just like the pioneers would have had, ” she says.

Serves: 4


·       1 cup milk

·       2 eggs

·       1 tablespoon honey

·       3 tablespoons vegetable oil

·       1 ½ cup cornmeal

·       1 teaspoon salt


  Beat milk, eggs, honey and oil together in a large mixing bowl. Add cornmeal and salt, and stir until moistened.

  Drop batter onto a hot greased skillet (a cast-iron skillet works best) in large spoonfuls. Cook both sides like pancakes until golden brown. Or the batter can be cooked like a cake in the skillet, then sliced into equal pieces and served at the table.

  Serve with maple syrup, molasses, fruit compote or applesauce.